Cannabis Life Cycle - How long until I can smoke it?

Cannabis Life Cycle - How long until I can smoke it?

15th Feb 2024

Cannabis plants grow differently depending on the type, like Indica or Sativa. Indica plants usually finish flowering in 6 to 8 weeks, while Sativa plants might take 10 to 16 weeks. Hybrids, which mix both types, fall in between.

Other things like where you grow and how you take care of the plants also affect growth. Inside, people control the light and temperature, while outside, they deal with the weather. This journey through the stages of cannabis growth, from seed to harvest, helps growers learn how to get the best from their plants. By understanding these steps, growers can make sure their cannabis turns out just right, whether it's for smoking or making other products.

1. Seed (2-15 days): A Humble Beginning 

The process begins with planting a cannabis seed. Within 2 to 15 days, under proper conditions of warmth and moisture, the seed germinates, and a tiny sprout emerges. This critical stage sets the foundation for the plant's growth and determines its health and vigor throughout its lifespan.

2. Seedling (2-3 weeks): Nurturing New Life 

The seedling stage lasts approximately 2 to 3 weeks. During this time, the plant develops its first set of leaves and establishes a root system in the soil. It is during this stage that the plant is most vulnerable to environmental stressors, requiring careful attention and nurturing to ensure optimal growth.

3. Vegetative State (Indefinite): Building Strength and Structure 

Upon entering the vegetative state, the plant experiences rapid growth. With access to at least 18 hours of light daily, it focuses on developing stems, branches, and foliage. This stage can be prolonged as desired to achieve the desired plant size and structure, allowing growers flexibility in managing their crop.

4. Flip (Transition to Flowering): Changing the Light Cycle 

To initiate flowering, the light cycle is changed to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. This transition prompts the plant to shift its energy towards producing flowers. Careful timing of this switch is crucial for maximizing bud production and yield.

5. Stretching (2 weeks):

In the initial weeks of flowering, the plant undergoes a period of stretching, where it increases in height as it transitions to the flowering stage. This natural response allows the plant to reach for optimal light exposure, but growers must be mindful of space constraints and adjust accordingly.

6. Flowering State (6-16+ weeks): The Beauty of Blooms 

The flowering stage varies in duration, lasting between 6 to 16 weeks or more, depending on the strain. During this phase, the plant produces buds rich in cannabinoids and terpenes. Regular monitoring and maintenance are essential during this phase to ensure optimal conditions for bud development and overall plant health.

7. Chop: Harvesting the Rewards 

Once the buds reach maturity, they can be harvested. Some growers may choose to stop at this stage and skip the drying and curing process. A common practice for this is called Fresh Frozen. Proper harvesting techniques, such as trimming and handling, are crucial to preserving the quality of the final product.

8. Dry (10-20 days): Patience in Preservation 

After harvest, the buds are dried to reduce moisture content. This process typically takes 10 to 20 days and helps preserve the quality of the buds. Proper drying techniques, such as hanging in a well-ventilated area with controlled humidity, are essential to prevent mold and preserve potency.

9. Cure (Minimum 2 weeks): Enhancing Flavor and Potency 

 Following drying, the buds undergo a curing process to enhance flavor and potency. This involves storing them in airtight containers for a minimum of 2 weeks. During curing, the buds continue to develop their aroma and flavor profile, resulting in a smoother smoking experience and improved overall quality.

10. Smoke or Process: Enjoying the Fruits of Labor 

Once cured, the cannabis buds are ready for consumption or further processing into various products such as oils, edibles, or concentrates. Whether smoked, vaporized, or infused, the end product reflects the culmination of careful cultivation practices and represents the unique characteristics of the strain and grower's expertise.

In conclusion, the journey of cannabis from seed to smoke is a testament to nature's resilience and the artistry of cultivation. Each stage in the life cycle plays a vital role in shaping the final product, highlighting the importance of patience, skill, and attention to detail in the cultivation process.